This week's Funlopedia toonz are here..

Artist and writer Sam Kuloglu says:These are your favorite learning toonz, yes they are here and as long as you guys will be followers; we will be continue to making new ones..enjoy'em!..

Flea humor Magazine

This is the first online humor magazine..We called "FLEA"!.It is all about you,your family, your  work, your school,your girl friend, your boyfriend,your wife or husband, your politicians..It will be refresh in every 2 weeks..We got only one author and artist to create FLEA!..he is SAM KULOGLU.
Sam is waiting your recommendations, toon ideas, comic ideas, or what ever you like to see being published on this magazine..Just e mail us your text or pictures,documents,freelance drawings:
Thanks a lot for visit FLEA! web site..